Our Mission

Lane County Diaper Bank is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on improving our community through programs that solve previously unnoticed problems, including disposable baby diapers and wipes. Together, we are ending diaper need in our community!

Children in low-income families are at greatest risk of suffering the effects of diaper need because many families can’t afford diapers. Current public support programs help some, but young children have additional needs necessary to build a strong foundation for healthy growth and to reach their full potential.

Here is a quote from one of our partners whose families receive diapers from Lane County Diaper Bank.

“A single mother of two, the sole caregiver of her very spirited children, age 2 and 10 months. At 22 years old this single mother is struggling to care for herself and her family while navigating homelessness. She has big dreams to operate her own restaurant one day and strives towards that goal by working her way up to a management position at her current place of employment. She struggles to make ends meet so the access to free diapers has been instrumental in her time here. The funds that would be going towards diaper supplies can now be used to support other areas such as stable housing for her family.”

Our Mission
Our Mission

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