Diaper Stats & Info

Diapers Aren't Cheap

It can cost up to $80-$100 per month to diaper one child, for some families is an extreme cost, especially if there are multiple children in the family who are in need of diapers. 

Children in low-income families are at greatest risk of suffering the effects of diaper need because many families can’t afford diapers. Current public support programs help some, but young children have additional needs necessary to build a strong foundation for healthy growth and to reach their full potential. 

An average monthly supply of diapers costs approximately $80. The only federal assistance program that can be used for diapers is TANF, but TANF has to cover many other expenses, including heat, electric and water bills, rent, clothing, transportation, and other basic needs. Little if any money is available to purchase enough diapers to keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy. 

Not Having Diapers has a big Impact on Familes

Babies who remain in a soiled diaper too long are exposed to potential health risk. 

Most childcare centers and daycares, even free subsidized facilities, require parents to provide a days supply of disposable diapers.   

Many parents cannot go to work or school if the cannot supply enough diapers for their child at a daycare facility, therefore leaving the family at even greater risk of instability.  

Nationally, 57% of parents experiencing diaper need who rely on childcare said they missed an average of four days of school or work in the past month because they didn’t have diapers. 

Diapers are as essential to a baby’s healthy development as a mother’s love. Keeping infants and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy is key to building a solid foundation for all children to reach their full potential. But one in three families struggles to provide clean diapers for their baby 

diaper info
diaper info

Benefits of Getting Help With Diapering Supplies

When a family is able to support their child with enough clean dry diapers the whole family unit is able to function in a more positive manner.  

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